May 26, 2020
This week Talk is Talk catch up with the good brother Clint to check the temperature on the up and coming presidential election. As always he lets it be known it’s all about economics when it all boils down to it. Clint unveils some things about Joe Biden you might of not knew. We also get into the importance of...
May 18, 2020
This week Talk is Talk has family in the building as Mr. Scenario and @everlastingjourney drop in on the crew. We give advice to a listener who sends in an email. We also try and put together a timeline for when is the perfect time to have sex raw. We give our opinion on Boosie statement he’s been receiving so...
May 11, 2020
This week Talk is Talk has Calvin Mack stop by as we coming close to the end of lockdown in hopes thing’s getting back to normal. Mack gives us the skinny on the CoronaVirus pandemic. Hailmary breaks out his seminar for a quick second. Mack gives out relationship advice and gives a whole other meaning to the...
May 4, 2020
This week Talk is Talk holding the studio down all by they self as the Coronavirus continue to wreck havoc. With no real agenda this week we just hanging out talking bout whatever comes to mind. Make sure you Subscribe, Rate, and Review.